Journal Info

The Evidence of Joy journal was created to help you discover the countless moments of joy, abundance, and beauty hidden in plain sight every day.
Experience the world differently as you immerse yourself in this transformative gratitude practice.
Embark on an adventure of discovery and wonder, letting go of false assumptions about the world around you. Learn to be present to joy throughout your day. Become aware of the abundance, beauty, and provision that surrounds you. Be the source of happiness, peace, freedom, and beauty in your life.
Choose your words mindfully. Select a word from the list provided and set the intention to find evidence of your word throughout the day.
Capture your experiences as you journal the results and watch the ordinary world you thought you knew transform before your eyes.

The Conscious Creator’s Notebook is a powerful tool for transformation. It was designed to help you overcome limited thinking, anxiety, and negative self-talk, freeing you to create your life with clarity, passion, and purpose.
This twelve-week guided journal is a simple daily practice designed to unmask your true self. It helps you let go of fear, worry, self-sabotage, and anxious thinking while establishing healthier and happier thinking patterns. This journal will help you rediscover the joy of who you truly are, reclaim peace of mind, and build a stable foundation to create a more fulfilling, courageous, and authentic life.
It will be a valuable companion for anyone grappling with anxiety and negative thinking patterns, those striving to enhance their sense of well-being, and those in pursuit of deeper purpose and self-knowledge.
Author’s note: The Conscious Creator’s Journal was created in response to a personal journey with severe anxiety. The practice proved to be so impactful and transformative that I decided to share it as a simple daily journal to help others. I hope it will be as life-changing for you as it has been for me.